Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Cash and checks are accepted on Sunday morning during the designated offering time. Please place your tithe and offering in an envelope and be sure to write your information on the outside. Members, remember to also include your member number on all checks.
Your generosity allows us to provide opportunities for people from all walks of life to experience community, learn, and serve together. We also work within the local community and in partnership with other organizations to meet practical needs. We believe in being a part of the solution, from handing out thousands of pounds of food each month to helping with a rent payment.
Text giving even saves your payment method so you can quickly give again.
Include a keyword to give to a specific fund. For example, ‘FTHCMA MOK 50’ to give $50 to Ministry of Kindness. Other keywords that you can use are School to give to Church School, TNBS to give to Tuesday Night Bible Study and Media to complete a Bookstore purchase.